You will learn about Storeganizer's impact on 3PL operations further to concrete success stories
We can show you impressive numbers on the use of Storeganizer's storage system - worldwide market leader - with 3PLs
You will meet with our team, all with an extended knowledge of trends and developments in logistics & supply chain
About Storeganizer
Storeganizer is an innovative high-density warehouse storage system. It enables warehouses to store small items in columns of suspended, easy-to-access pockets made of flexible and durable fabric. Storeganizer allows warehouses to cost-effectively store more small items per m²/ft² and m³/ft³ by optimizing the use of rack space and decreasing the TCO of warehouses. Warehouse operators can reduce walking distance and boost picking efficiency thanks to Storeganizer. Founded in 2012, Storeganizer is supported by the Belgium-based automotive expert conTeyor.